Lüscher Technologies AG
Industriestrasse 17
4665 Oftringen
Lüscher Technologies AG
Industriestrasse 17
4665 Oftringen
Lüscher Technologies AG (LT) offers general information about its products and services on this website. This information is provided as a starting point for interested parties. However, all information on this website is provided without warranty. No warranty of any kind is thus provided and no liability of any kind accepted, e.g. for the accuracy, reliability, completeness and timeliness of the information. Should you require additional information – in particular, binding details – you can contact us at any time.
This website contains links to other websites. LT has no influence on their design and content and therefore cannot accept any liability in this regard. With regard to the rest of the website, LT reserves the right to modify the content at any time and without further notice.
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LT authorises the user of this website to print or save the presented content for personal use only. Only the content found under the News and Press Releases heading may be copied or printed for the purpose of publication. Lüscher Technologies AG remains the copyright holder and owner of all other intellectual property rights in relation to all contents of the website.
The law of the Swiss Confederation applies.
The place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising in connection with the use of our websites is Aargau, Switzerland.
Agentur Langohr
Beckerstraße 23
64289 Darmstadt
Web: www.daslangohr.de
E-Mail: info@daslangohr.de