Dry offset is a special variant of offset printing in which the printing process takes place without the use of moisture. In this method, the print image is transferred from a printing plate to a rubber drum and then onto the printing material, but without the usual dampening solution used in traditional offset printing. This method allows printing on non-absorbent materials such as plastic, metal, or coated paper, without issues like smudges or blurry print images. Dry offset is commonly used in the packaging industry, label printing, and the production of decorative elements, as it offers excellent print quality, fast drying times, and high precision. It is especially preferred for the production of flexible packaging and specialized printed products.

Since dry offset always uses plates with a metal carrier, our flatbed imagesetter, MultiDX! and MiniMulti!, are particularly well-suited for this application. These imagesetters are specially tailored to the registration requirements of the respective printing press and customized to the customer's needs. This makes it easy to perform multiple prints, where several layouts or colors can be imaged simultaneously, significantly increasing the efficiency and precision of the printing process.